7% of Yeti sales go to help our endangered friendz!

As a brand, YetiLabz believes it is vitally important to support developments in technology that can lead to a circular economy and create surpluses for the environment, not deficits.

It’s no secret that the blockchain technology that propels cryptocurrencies and NFTs uses exorbitant amounts of energy, so much in fact, it is estimated that just one bitcoin transaction uses enough energy to power the average US home for more than 70 days. According to an article in The Conversation, “Bitcoin and Ethereum mining operations emit more than 70 million tons of CO² into the atmosphere. That’s the same as the annual exhaust emissions of over 15.5 million cars.”

While there is no doubt an alarming amount of energy and emission involved in NFTs, this exposure has also created a unique opportunity for innovations in this field that is leading the way for new efficiency standards for all web based activity.

New technologies are being developed to support things like Proof of Stake validation methods, that can dramatically reduce all online energy demands. Organizations, such as the Crypto Climate Accord, have formed to demand more environmentally friendly practices when it comes to cryptocurrency, which continues to raise the bar of accountability.

You can be sure that your investment in YetiLabz will go to organizations who are fighting for our endangered friendz and their habitats, and for metaverse technology that respects Rights of Nature standards and takes bold action toward protecting the environment.

Endangered Friendz supports the actions of the following organizations:

Endangered Friendz is actively fighting for these species:

  • Native Cutthroat Trout
  • Gray Wolf
  • Wild Salmon
  • Striped Bass
  • American Bison
  • Osprey
  • Bald Eagle
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